IVIM/OII-Deutschland auf der ILGA-Europe Konferenz in Turin 2011

Als neues Mitglied der ILGA-Europe (Equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people in Europe) haben wir einen Workshop auf der Jahreskonferenz in Turin präsentiert. Gemeinsam mit Ditte Dyreborg von der Pangea – Copenhagen International LGBTIQ Network.

Workshop 30: First intersex forum: recommendations to the LGBT movement
This workshop will provide information on the problems intersex people face on a daily basis, exploring the problems in their entirety. You will learn how and why being intersex is in some respects a threat to the person’s psychic and physical health even though such persons may be in perfect physical health. You will understand why being intersex is not a disorder of sexual development. Most importantly, you will learn about how to advocate for intersex issues from a human rights perspective and about the recent political developments. Last but not least this will be the place to ask questions and get them answered.


Kontakt & Impressum

Internationale Vereinigung
Intergeschlechtlicher Menschen – OII Germany e. V.
Vereinsregister: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Register-Nr.: VR 35163 B


IVIM – OII Germany
Naunynstr. 30
10997 Berlin

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