The Thematic report on Discrimination against trans and intersex people on the grounds of sex, gender identity and gender expression was authored by Silvan Agius, ILGA-Europe’s Policy Director and Professor Christa Tobler, Basel & Leiden Universities.
The report addresses complex issues related to discrimination on the grounds of gender identity and gender expression, as well as discrimination on grounds of sex vis-à-vis intersex people. The report also clarifies the definitions used in the context of trans discrimination, and the terms used by the community to represent the diversity within it. This study highlights the obstacles and negative attitudes faced by this community and the difficulties with regard legal recognition and rights. The report also extensively examines the influence of EU law, including case law, on trans discrimination and provides case studies of national legislation and case-law on gender identity and gender expression discrimination of some Member States where there are promising approaches which can and should serve as models for others to follow.
Download the publication on the European Commission Website
The report is currently available in English only, but in due course it will also be made available in French and German. (online and printed version).